Aboca S.p.A. Società Agricola

Where you'll find us:
Sansepolcro,Tuscany,Italy - 52037
Agricultural Processing
Company Size:
1000 Employees
Who We Are:
"Aboca is the leading group in the therapeutic innovation based on natural complexes. Aboca produces advanced, effective and safe medical devices and food supplements made of natural substances for human health and well-being. The company operates in a strongly research-oriented context, using the criteria of Evidence-Based Medicine.

Since 1978, Aboca runs a fully vertically integrated supply chain, from the organic cultivation of medicinal plants to production and distribution in 15 countries. All the activities are developed in order to produce 100% naturally. Their research involves different areas using the most advanced methods.
Apoteca Natura is an international network of 900 pharmacies in Italy, Spain and Portugal, specialised in guiding people along their path to health awareness and prevention with a particular focus on natural products.
Farmacie Fiorentine AFAM SpA consists of 21 Municipal Pharmacies in Florence aimed at ensuring the access to advanced and personalized social and health services for citizens and tourists.

All Aboca Group’s companies became Benefit Corporations according to Italian law in order to enhance their commitment towards the creation of common good."
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